The level of acidity or pH relatively
little-known body in general than other health checks . Yet when the acidity of
the body too much can cause health problems that are dangerous to the health of
our bodies . Potential Hydrogen ( pH ) is a collection of hydrogen ions in a
substance that indicates the acidity level including alkaline levels . Standard
pH value is in the range 0 to 14. In a normal condition or ideal pH level
should be on the level with a pH of 7 to 7.4 .
The influence of the body is too acidic
With an ideal pH pores in the body will absorb the
nutritional content in food is more powerful in warding off disease. Checking
the pH can be done by using the media saliva or urine. In general, base excess
cases is very small, which are more common are cases of excess acid in the
body. Actually, what the losses if the body is too acidic ???
1.It can
lead to breathing difficulties If the pH is less than 7 is a sign that the body
of excess acid. This situation is very threatening to the health, because the
body can not be limited to acid deposition that is too long in the body. When
the pH is low, there will be accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood. O2
carbon dioxide levels are so high can make it hard to breathe.
can trigger a variety of health complaints These health problems can include
sinus, flu, colds, allergies, drowsiness, headaches, blisters, pain and
fatigue. Decreased levels of oxygen due to the accumulation of carbon dioxide
in the blood. If the oxygen levels are too low, then the cells in the body will
attacked by various viruses and bacteria. Cancer cells proved to be faster
growing and developing bodies when acid levels are too high. Blood with high
acid can inhibit the absorption of vitamins, so that toxins can clog in the
cell and causes some cells fail to reproduce. This condition will trigger the
aging process faster, overweight / obesity, flatulence, spend a lot of gas,
disruption of the digestive system and organ function to be slow.
What happens when the body of excess acid ??
diet and unhealthy lifestyle and consuming lots of fast food can trigger stress
and very influential in the increase in the pH levels in the body, and can
reduce immune system function in the body. Weak immune system makes the body
very easily infected with various diseases. Excessive acid can also lead to
hoarding kolesteol LDL
(Low Density Lipoprotein), or bad cholesterol in the arteries. Resulting in the
accumulation of plaque and damage to blood vessel walls. Excess acid can occur
because too often consume excessive meat, table salt, medicines, alcoholic
beverages, coffee, dairy products (ice cream, cheese and milk), pasta, sweets,
salty, spicy, packaged foods and processed foods. While stress conditions can
have a big impact on the incidence of excessive acid. That is the reason why
people often experience stress the body extremely high acid content. If someone
is never a healthy lifestyle such as exercise regularly, sleep less and a
portion of stressful conditions due to divorce, job loss, business bankruptcy,
and so greatly in debt could trigger the body's acidity increased very sharply.
Restore the pH to alkaline water
How so consumption of healthy foods with balanced
nutrition is very good in restoring the pH level to be ideal for our body ?.
You can increase the consumption of yogurt, almonds, fresh vegetables and fresh
fruits, especially that do not contain pesticides. You'd better reduce the
intake of processed foods, alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, caffeine and
artificial sweeteners and cheese that much artificial
For sweeteners can be replaced with honey, which proved to be more healthy. To
relieve the stress can always think positive, increasing the religious side,
follow yoga, traveling, always jovial and cheerful do penchant etc. Another way
that proved to be very beneficial and healthy is by consuming alkaline water.
This water has the ideal pH for the body that will reduce excessive acid levels
in the body and can boost immunity and stamina.Oxidation Reduction Potential or ORP negative makes this water contains
antioxidants that can prevent a variety of substances that are not good for in
the body into neutral. Antioxidants are very useful in repelling free radicals that
are dangerous to health.
For that we as providers of goods and services
offer you some of our products that can help the need for clean water very
decent quality for drinking water.And which must be very safe for family health.lat we offer is RO ( Reverse Osmosis ) tool can
changing raw water becomes very feasible for large.Mostly used as a water purifier for drinking water
refill vending but you can also have it in your home with different contents
power a day from
starting price of 4.5 million Rupiah to 35.000.000. Rupiah Please contact us for more information .
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