Senin, 05 Oktober 2015



Reverse Osmosis many and long used by some developed countries such as the UK, Germany, USA etc. for water treatment either fresh water, wells, sea and river Using membranes as media that have pores of 0.0001 micron and encouragement Booster pumps high pressure, it will produce pure water with a low mineral content and TDS average below 10 (Depending on the initial source of water TDS) The technology is already widely used for water treatment and potable Here are some advantages and disadvantages of Reverse Osmosis.
Excellence:1 can significantly lower the TDS water to 95% of the initial TDS.2 TDS screening results tend to be stable and no significant changes.3 Easy maintenance and filter replacement.4 Water RO results more feels light and very fresh.5 Can be used as a business because of the quality of the produced water exceeds bottled water market.
Deficiency1.Filter RO water has high operating costs due to a lot of wasted water from the filter and membrane replacement hefty price is quite expensive.2 The strength of the membrane will last for 1 year when raw water comes from mountain springs, and if the raw water comes from wells drilled were muddy and dirty then the membrane will be depleted within days.3 Booster Pump will not live apabil water pressure is less than the maximum.4 Comparison of wastewater with water from the RO is 1: 4 then to produce 1 gallon (19 liter) then it takes 5 gallons to produce 1 liter of water and waste products 4 gallons
For a more durable, then it is better through Pree filter as filter tubes CV FERRO WATER for durability make it more durable membrane.
With careful consideration and foresight you choose the provider of the filtering devices Filters and Reverse Osmosis, then the best choice is yours with high integrity of the quality of water, because the quality of water determines the quality of your life
Please contact us for more information comes directly in our workshop CV FERRO WATER TREATMENT BANDUNG call Ferry +6282240469999 or Pin 2b5b1292

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